Whoo-hoo!! I have officially completed my fall semester of sophomore year which means...ONE MORE SEMESTER UNTIL NURSING SCHOOL!! ahhhh I'm excited :) My application and everything is all in and I hope to hear back soon
*sigh* even the sunset agrees with me on this day! Such a gorgeous view from my balcony! I haven't seen the sun all day because of exams. Now I get to relax and enjoy this hangout spot.
Back to the fun stuff!
I know my last post was just a little somber and serious but sometimes that's college...typically on exam week haha! Anyway, here's the other side of college you'd probably want to see. So last Friday (I know, I'm so out of order!) my friends and I had our own mini Christmas dinner. I'm such a big Christmas fan and I definitely may have gone a little overboard on the decorating but it sure makes it feel like Christmas despite the 70 degree weather we were having last week. Too bad Santa didn't get me the real tree I wanted...haha
Ahhh, finals....aka the nerd post
Late night study break breakfast (the tradition of staff, faculty, and even the President serving us a late night breakfast because let's face it, coffee and ramen can only be endured for so much haha). I TA for the School of Nursing's Chemistry and here are some of my students taking a break from esthers and thiols and acids base and all that fun stuff.
I know I already posted a study picture but I really thought this was a wonderful motivation quote from our Service Sorority on campus (they made study care packages for everyone with handy quotes like this to get us through finals week). I know it definitely made me smile as I was writing my genetics paper on cancer and the gene associated with it.
The people behind the scenes of Admissions...well, aside from the counselors, of course. This is us at our Christmas party/gift exchange on Tuesday. Yep, great team right there! top L:R Christine, Morgan, Brenner, me, Jazmin, Christina bottom L:R Liz, Cavill-Matthews, Rachel We're missing Kristen and Christina in this pic :( Don't mind Brenner below I think I reminded her of our exam here. Aww look there's Morgan, too!

Today was the end of my 3 day study streak and I decided to make dinner. Our suite has an unoccupied room with a lofted bed. This is what happens when you put coffee, sugar, testing, dinner, sleep deprivation, and a lofted bed together. Oh how I love my friends...
Student Ambassadors?
Making the most of campus life
Today was the end of my 3 day study streak and I decided to make dinner. Our suite has an unoccupied room with a lofted bed. This is what happens when you put coffee, sugar, testing, dinner, sleep deprivation, and a lofted bed together. Oh how I love my friends...
Seriously, though, college has taught me to cook...and make delicious hot chocolate s'mores drinks. I think I'm gonna go sip this now and catch a movie. After all, I do have the next six weeks homework free, right? It still feels weird to not have any school work to do, though... Toodles till then!
Btw, Admissions is having our Winter Open House on Saturday. I hope you'll be there! I promise, no cameras this time :) Don't forget to come say hi!
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