Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Christmas..." Part 2

Table buddies last year!!!
It's T-5 hours until the entire campus goes on full Christmas mode for Christmas dinner! Already the entire campus is full of excitement. As I was giving a tour earlier, my prospective said, "It feels so Christmas-y with all the reds and greens everyone is wearing." Every year we have a tradition of a night of Christmas celebration starting with an Advent prayer service and then everyone going to Doyle Formal for the tree trim (as the Christmas tree in the tower is being lit!) and then we head over to the dining hall for an awesome dinner served by the faculty. Oh and did I mention they give us presents :)

Last year's dinner: Om nom nom

 Last year I had Angela Baumler, our chaplain Father Bob Kennedy, and the then president's husband serving my table. We had really good food, all the hot chocolate we could want, Christmas cookies, and caroling all through the night. Check back here or the Admissions facebook for pictures from tonight!

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