Friday, September 27, 2013

Another Nursing Milestone for the Inaugural Class

Hello there ladies!

Fall is upon us on campus and it's so gorgeous with all the color changes! 

Today was the School of Nursing's Lighting of the Lamp ceremony which was pretty much an inauguration of all the nursing students into the nursing program. Florence Nightingale, considered the foundress of modern nursing, was once called "lady with the lamp," a nickname she earned in the Crimean war when she'd visit the wounded soldiers at night with a lamp and care for them. It was very apt that at our ceremony we lit candles and were given candles as tokens of our journey in  becoming beacons of hope and care for our future patients just like Nightingale. 

R: me with President Coley and on the left are my friends Laura (and lab partner Kirsten) after the ceremony!

Btw, snap shot of what we do in class:

Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, it's tape the pulse on Anne our grad-student-teacher! 

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