Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Everything we have we can just as easily not have"

NUR-406 Trends and Theories class (some of us left) sneaking into a shot with Liz Murray. Amazing speaker, fantastic message, and a courageous challenge for us all as future healthcare providers especially those currently in Mental Health. It's an issue of counter transference we face every time we see a patient and while it is human nature, "there is violence in the comparison." We can be that Perry, a special person that sees beyond the broken and beyond wanting to fix and instead see into the future of what that person/patient can be.
Liz Murray is the author of "Breaking Night" aka who is the person from that Lifetime 
movie about the rags to riches, homeless to Harvard. 

This was our common read this year and it resonates so much with who are as an institution and puts a special challenge for all of us to be better. 

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