Hello ladies and happy new year! It's back to these compressed blogs for now but I promise, I will write more soon once school is back in session!!
Anna, BSN/RN?
It's the final stretch of winterim break so that means it's time to get back into school mode...which is perfect (or maybe not so!) because this is also the week I hear back from the School of Nursing about my application into the nursing program. As of right now, I am on a pre-nursing track and major wise, I am undeclared. Hopefully that will all change soon and I can officially sign a major declaration form.
It's such a photogenic building! |
I've been saying I'm a nursing major and technically on the pre-nursing track I am but let me explain a little bit more of the
technicals. For all of those interested in nursing here's the gist: for the first two years you are on a pre-nursing track completing university gen-eds and classes that prep you for the actual program . Then winter of your sophomore year (December 15 this year), you complete an (what I thought was a stress free) application and wait for the results in January. My class is the first 4 year BSN class going through the program so there really isn't a class above us to assuage our fears of getting in or not (lucky for you guys, we'll be here). I can honestly tell you that Facebook has been in turmoil over the anticipation of getting these letters. However, I have total confidence in the ability of my classmates so I'm not too stressed out. Although I cannot agree more that those letters should come sooner but that's another note :)
I'll keep you guys updated but for now, I'll give you a glimpse of what a college winter break looks like.
It. Snowed.
Talk about crazy weather in Baltimore. Snow before and after Christmas! |
Everyone's back in town! Yay!
No matter what college they attend, most people, if not everyone, are home in January, and since the holidays are over, there is really nothing much to do but to go see everyone. My classmates and I had a little bit of a hard time scheduling anything because not all of us are on semester schedule and half had to go back by the second week of January. When we did hang out, it was like 2 years of college didn't separate us at all. That and our high school teachers groaned upon seeing us again (haha!!)
L: we had a little too much fun at the restaurant
R: my research class 3 years ago. I can't believe it's been that long! And yes, we did do the chalk drawing on ourselves lol
Back on campus for a day
Last Thursday I came back to campus for a day to get my schedule sorted out. I think I might try to pick up a minor in philosophy--wish me luck! Anyway, when I stepped on campus I was greeted with construction galore but it's the good kind (not traffic everywhere kind, ugh lol)
L: The new Otenasek Morrissy Honors house standing next to Cana House. It still needs paint and maybe a few more things on the inside but it looks good...and it's standing. When we left they were just digging the ground for the foundation and now it's almost ready!
R: The nursing building has a tangible roof and there are solid floors. The curved area on the back (not pictured) is really starting to come together, too.
You know what they say, a campus under construction means expansion...and expansion is good! So if you happened to drive or walk around in this, excuse the mess--it'll be a fantastic addition soon enough!
Before this becomes a novel...
I just want to give a shout out to the girls who came out to see us on Saturday for Winter Open House #2. You guys were a great bunch to walk around with. If you missed it or want to come back again, no biggie. There's another event in
February or you can always schedule a
personal visit. Either way, we hope to see you on campus soon. (if you'd like to
overnight, my door is always open as well!)
Our tower is purple!! |
More next time (probably when I'm back on campus!) GO RAVENS!
By the way, for those of you coming in the Fall CONGRATS! And don't forget
FAFSA priority deadline is in February so get started on them. It takes less than 30 minutes to complete and it could mean more
financial aid!