Behold the card that is only a small part of my overwhelmed feeling about this semester. Yes, overwhelmed but in a good way.

Okay let's back track. Today, I had a 3 hour orientation to practicum and senior seminar, essentially the culmination of my clinical training as a nurse. That in it of itself is a lot of work as I will be playing the ICU nurse for the next few months with my preceptor's schedule on top of journaling, research, papers, and preparing for the NCLEX--my licensure examination after graduation. Yesterday, we had an intro to our leadership course where we discussed nursing leadership beyond the bedside and into legal advocacy. The Maryland Board of nursing reached out to our program in regard to a bill in the Md senate that could change the full time work to 40 hours rather than the current 32 by law. That means we future nurses could be in jeopardy in our 36 hour full time practice. We have been tasked by our professor to create a plan for advocacy (in support or against) that we form as a class. Talk about big strides for the school of nursing! Look out Annapolis, we may be coming for you! Anyway, this paper was from my community class today where we drew roles for our community health clinical (also mostly student initiative in groups) and I got team leader. I have to steer our group to do the assessment of our assigned community, creating the project, putting on a health fair, which culminates in 60 pg paper with a 30 minute video presentation. Whew!! Oh, and my first technical test is tomorrow. Yikes.
I know I keep saying it but nursing school is hard. Yet, I think about how far I've come and how close to my dreams I am. That BSN is almost in my reach. I know that all the hard work will make me into a better nurse for my future patients. This semester may be the toughest of them all but I'm glad to be here! I'm just going to take it one day at a time and hopefully enjoy every remaining moment. Talk about educating young women to transform the world, huh?
How's your year going?